Korea's foreign-exchange authorities recently agreed with China and Japan to expand currency-swap lines in a bid to secure more dollar liquidity, following a$ 30 billion swap line with the U.S. 韩国外汇管理部门在与美国达成了300亿美元的货币互换额度协议之后,最近又与中国和日本达成协议,同意扩大彼此间的货币互换额度,以便确保更大的美元流动性。
The focus is on open source technologies, but there are also mentors for Secure Software's CodeAssure product line for automated security analysis of software. 集中在开源技术上,而不是检查安全软件的代码保证产品线。
In nearly all secure programs, your first line of defense is to check every piece of data you receive. 在几乎所有安全的程序中,您的第一道防线就是检查您所接收到的每一条数据。
But to secure this credit line, about € 71 billion ( more than half the deposits outstanding in Greece), these banks need to provide collateral to the Greek central bank. 不过,为了得到这些贷款&大约710亿欧元(超过希腊存款一半),这些银行需要向希腊央行提供抵押。
I'll call you from a secure line. 我会在安全线路上打给你。
Secure fuel line on tank. 将燃油管路固定在油箱上。
What cipher they use to secure that line? 发布这个消息他们用的什么代码?
Are we on a secure line? 我们在安全线路上么?
I got your message. I'm on a secure line. 我收到你的信号了,我在安全线上。
Is this a secure line? 这条线通话安全吗?
Get head office on the secure line. 接通安全线和头头说去。
"fisherman's bend: a knot used to secure the end of a line to a ring or spar, made by two turns with the end passed back under both." “渔人结:用于把绳子末端系牢在线圈或桅杆上的结,绕两圈并把绳头从下面穿回去.”
Connect and secure fuel line. 连接并固定燃油管路。
Secure the vacuum line to the sheath with two tie-wraps. 用两条扎带将真空管路固定到外壳上。
Secure the line with a new sheetmetal clip. 用新的钢板夹固定控制管路。
Secure Distance of the Quadruple-circuit Transmission Line with Vertical Arrangements on the Same Tower Passing over Buildings 导线垂直排列同塔四回线路跨越建筑物时的安全距离
We have him on a secure line. 我们已经在安全线路上接通他了。
By means of line outage distribution factor ( LODF) and DC load flow model the N-1 static state secure active power flow restraint at cross-section of transmission line is analyzed. 运用支路开断分布系数和直流潮流分析了输电断面的N-1静态安全有功潮流约束。
By analyzing the shortcomings of administration network's security, this article explains the advantages of the MPLS and VPN technology at provincial administration college level to assure the secure transaction of confidential data on line. 本文通过对政务网络安全缺陷的分析,介绍了采用MPLS(多协议标记交换)VPN(虚拟私有网)技术建立安全的省级行政学院政务网的优势,确保了网络上机密数据的安全传输。
A payment protocol named Secure Electronic Transaction based on Trusted Third Party ( SETTP) was proposed, in which both electronic and physical goods could be paid on line. 设计了一种同时支持数字商品和实物商品在线支付的安全支付协议SETTP。
Especially in the aspect of resisting the attack from the inside network, intrusion detection has particular characteristic and becomes another secure line of defence after the fire wall. 尤其在抵御网络内部的攻击方面,更有独到的特点,成为防火墙之后的又一道安全防线。
With the growing popularity of computer network, the network has become a life and an integral part of the work. To protect the security of the network and to build a secure line of defense becomes the main task of network security experts. 随着计算机网络的日益普及,网络已成为人们生活和工作中不可缺少的一部分,保障网络安全、构筑安全防线成为网络安全专家的主要任务。